Today Melissa and I went on a walk and I got a few very cute pics of her new puppy Diesel...yes he is a puppy...he is almost 5 months old and is already 65 pounds! They expect him to be about 120ish!! He is black lab and blood hound mix....soooooo cute! (I call him Gary the snail though because he "slimes" everything with drool!)
Here he is when they just brought him home...he was sleeping in brians lap!
This was a few weeks before they brought him home! He seemed so tiny then...
This is a pic from today. Mel and I go walking in the Ravines (its a state park in Palatka) and today we took all three dogs (Otto, Molli, and Diesel) for the first time. It was CRAZY!
Here is Diesel IN the fountain, laying down and getting a drink all at once. I had to pull Otto out of the water so he didn't soak my car on the way home! Diesel kept putting his whole head under the fountain of water! There were two workers right next to us laughing so hard at him!
This is a good picture to see Melissas new idea of making him wear a bib so you can catch his drool strings...bleh! (in the Ravines-before the fountain)
i heck...its gorgeous there